As the title said, this hint doesnt appears in-game, but in studio does
Studio Testing :

In-Game :
There may be a script removing it, also, I would use a Gui, Not a Hint.
I don’t think it is a script that is removing it, I used a Hint to give that old touch
In any case, this is my script when touching Mario
-- Don't screw anything up, mmkay? Thanks.
local valueToActivate = workspace:WaitForChild("talkedtomario1")
onetime = true -- Anything involving the variable "onetime" plays a role in making the script only work once.
function onHit(hit)
if (hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil) and onetime == true then
onetime = false
local objetive = workspace:WaitForChild("Objetive")
local m ="Message", workspace) -- Anything involving the variable "a" plays a role in the narrator's dialogue.
m.Text = "Mario : Bro get rid of that Scary broom in that building" -- What the narrator says.
m.Text = "Mario : Can you do it for me?"
task.wait(2.5) -- The duration of the message displayed.
m:Destroy()-- Destroys the message.
objetive.Text = "Objetive : Enter the building"
valueToActivate.Value = true
-- If the game ends at this point, use "game.Players.ClearAllChildren" to end the game.
-- This brick's purpose is for The Shedletsky Parable.
-- Basically, stepping on this brick creates narrator dialogue to advance the plot.
-- This script only works once - that's it.
-- This script will sometimes end the game at a narrator's final speech.
-- Created by bluecap67
-- You can add this to your game. Not sure what for, though.
This isn’t really related to the topic, but I believe that you cannot use Mario as it’s copyrighted material, owned by Nintendo.
Ok thanks for notifying me about that.