HintService (Archived) | Legacy hints reimagined, customizable, straight-forward, and simple

No way


Any updates on HintService2?
It has been nearly 2 months since we’ve heard anything about HintService2
Still excited though :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I haven’t started lol. I have a lot of stuff on my plate right now, especially school, also the lack of motivation and energy. Been taking a break from the internet for a bit and just playing Minecraft all day; it’s been a big stress reliever. It should be here by at most mid may. Stay tuned.

And of course, thanks to all of you for the large amount of support in recent times.

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Well everyone, were gonna start working on it. Since the time I said I was, I have gained lots of motivation. @mxthedev @SubtotalAnt8185 @BIGHEAD_RIPOFF

The new API will feature our current revamped UIShelf API, according to the hint. UIShelf | CanaryEngine

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Has UIShelf been added to Canary? I haven’t seen the module in Replicated Packages

It’s currently an internal library, EngineClient.Libraries, but I plan to make it a standalone in the engine client package folder, just like hintservice. This way you can use it everywhere.

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Should HintService be renamed to Snacky? Please share your thoughts.

I think this is a very good name! you should name it that

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You should also make one called Toaster that displays toast notifications.


Just wanna let everyone know I plan on releasing Snacky tonight!


Could you please explain more on what broadcast does in the module?

Snacky is the replacement for this and has proper documentation. Snacky - An Efficient Way to Show Snackbar Hints