Hip not moving on skinned mesh animation

I imported my animations through fbx and click selected:
As I saw this might be a solution from another post, but it my character’s hip still doesnt move.
This is in the animation Editor. Everything works perfectly fine.

I then plugged the animation into my AI system but the hips dont move.

My rig is set up like UE and the bones that are not moving are is the Pelvis (root) and the spine.
I tried chaning animation priority to Action4, added extra bones, regrouped the model.None worked.

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I have no idea if skinned meshes work the same or not, but are you also treating the hip as the humanoidrootpart / is the humanoidrootpart attached to the hip bone? I remember having a similar issue with animations in general long before skinned meshes were a thing, and having a single distinct root bone not involved in animation fixed it.

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Okay so after tinkering with it, I had to make another part and set it as humanoidrootpart and joint the rootpart (part with all the bones) as part0 and the new humanoidrootpart as root 1.

Bro how did you even manage to even do that. That Looks Amazing. tell me how you made it bro PLZ!

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