Hiring 2 builders to build 2 British Armed Forces bases

Hiring 2 builders to build 2 British Armed Forces bases

The job

Hi there! I’m 60ty from Zeus’ United Kingdom. I am looking for 2 experienced builders who can build me 2 different maps for the group’s British Armed Forces. The first map will be a Royal Air Force base and the second map will be a Royal Navy base/port. You must have a portfolio prepared and send me it via Direct Messages on Discord. The deadline for these projects is the end of May.


The payment for the whole map will be decided in Direct Messages via Discord. You can be paid as much as you wish as long as it’s a reasonable amount you’re requesting.


Please contact me using Discord. Copy and paste the following message and send it to me ‘Hey 60ty! I am interested in the builder position from your devforum post!’
Discord: yo#0002
(Remember to send me your portfolio too!)

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