Hiring 3D Artists for Horse Valley 2

About Us

Ming Media AB is a studio based in Sweden. Some of our notable projects include Pick A Side, Egg Farm Simulator, Would You Rather and Action!.

About Horse Valley 2

Horse Valley was our first game and hit the front page on its release 2016. We’ve learnt alot since then and hope to bring our newfound experience to the second installment Horse Valley 2.


The Job

We are looking to contract 3D artists that can create any of the following items in the game's artstyle
  1. Pegasus Wings

    (from Adopt Me)

  2. Saddle Bags
    Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 02.02.57

  3. Manes

  4. Tails


Example of our game's artstyle


  • 1x Pegasus Wings (25,000+ Robux)
  • Saddle Bags (15,000+ Robux each)
  • Horse Manes (25,000+ Robux each)
  • Horse Tails (20,000+ Robux each)

Pay is negotiable and we’re willing to pay more for higher quality work.

Contact Us

Emai: jobs@horsevalley2.com
Or directly message @SirMing on the Dev Forums

Include a portfolio of your previous work, specifically 3D work related to accessories, wings and UGC hair.

We’re looking for Graphic Designers as well.


I am interested in helping you. Sent you a message.

I’m interested in the position so I’ve emailed you guys (:

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