Hello developers! Currenlty started a new project based on a realistic survival RPG type game. Im hoping to introduce new games into ROBLOX and try something which hasn’t been done before. I’m currently in need of a 3D Modeler and Texture artist!
3D Modeler
As the 3D modeler you are needed to work on the following.
- Props for the map,
- Work on PARTS of the map (such as stairs, smaller items of the map)
- BE ABLE (MOST NEEDED!) to make decently detailed weapon models.
- Work on a schedule and be able to finish task on time.
- Work with me and other members of my team!
Texture Artist
- Have proper texturing programs and be able to texture.
- Textures must be realistic-ish looking.
- Work on time and finish task on time.
- Work with me and other members of my team!
Currently looking to pay PERCENTAGE of the game ( will be worked out in DM’s!)
I am able to pay ROBUX per asset but would prefer percentage.
Contact Information
To contact me please contact me via discord.
Discord: Chimp#6808
Thank you! Have a amazing day