[HIRING] 3D Modeler

I’m looking to hire a 3D modeler to design a hospital for me.

Contact: COLD#8482

Payment: R$30,000

Examples: image


Seem Interested, MillennialFrags#2441

Hey I am Interested, AlienPandas#9844

Very interested I am very good at poly designs like this. I have added you on discord - vvolfy#0813

Added u on discord GodzGalaxyy#9586

Hi I added you on discord. I am definitely the best person for this job, I can get this done quick and efficiently, and will satisfy your needs. Thanks.
Discord: Plethoa#9971

im intrested, Please add me back on discord.


I am interested. I added you on Discord : SNEK#7069

Check out my portfolio

I’ve friended you, and I hope I can work for ya. Here is my portfolio: [OPEN] [Portfolio] 3D Modeler [For hire] [Robux only] - Collaboration / Portfolios - Roblox Developer Forum Have a great day :smiley:

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