Hiring a builder and a UI designer

About Us

Hey there, we are skyward softworks and we are making a dungeon crawler! you can check down below for recent progress

You can see our progress so far here:
Roblox - Gyazo
Roblox (gyazo.com)
Roblox (gyazo.com)

These are little progress we do have much more, but at the moment we are revamping (i would show a picture of the dungeons and mobs powers etc but that’s in revamption at the moment)

About The Job

We are looking for a really good builder, that does not slack off you must have atleast 1 hour put into work each day (i can make an exception for off days) considering that after this revamp is done there is not much things left before the game releases. Now for the UI designer you will just revamp most of the UI or maybe all of them it depends.

like i said i would like to get this game done by at least august 16th or less.


we are currently paying through game profits i have been doing it, and it has worked out for the better not the worse.

Contact Us

You must be 13 years or older to apply.
vocalresefentation#5045 – Thats my discord
Discord - Discord - we got griefed so only devs are there atm
or here on dev forum!
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:
Other than that have a great day and i may or may not see you later!


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