Hiring a gfx designer

I am in need for thumbnail and game icon i want a game icon to look like this design and the thumbnail just like low poly high lighting ( like simulators)

payment is - neg
contact me here

Can you clarify what “- neg” is?

Probably meant negotiable. 30 chars

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yes as he said negotiable ----


Can you state an approximate of how much you’re willing to pay?

i dont know tbh ---------------

That is hardwork so that sort of GFX, At least will cost 2-3k… How much can you pay do tell roughly

sure i can do that but i want it really good tho

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I can do it! If you want, It’s easy for me

sure add my discord, themirorbeside#3772

I sent a friend request to you on Discord. Please respond to me or msg me here to let me know you accepted the friend request. I hope to work with you :slight_smile:

Edit: Just realized I didn’t give my discord tag, sorry about that, My discord is Jack#9646

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