Hiring a meshers and builders!

About Us

Hey! I am looking for builders and meshers who are willing to join my team and work with each other on my SEVEN DEADLY SINS GAME!

Here is some progress: https://gyazo.com/bfcfa96d876409903b2404d9c59eab7a

About The Job

I am looking for a professional builder to join my team. I expect high quality builds and meshes.Good communication skills are needed; I check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

The game needs at least 30 new assets completed by the end of this month. I expect each asset will take between 1-2 hours.


I am paying revenue or per hour robux. USD(barely use the payment though)

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/mariothefirking

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Can you please provide images rather than a discord link? People do not want to join your server just in order to see your progress. Also what do you mean by the “barely” in this?


By this do you mean modeler?

Please give more details.

What is the game’s style?
And, as @Scripter_123 said, what do you mean by barely?

Ok here you go https://gyazo.com/bfcfa96d876409903b2404d9c59eab7a

I mean by I barely use the payment.

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