Hiring a scripter for a simulator (CLOSED)

About me

Hi there! I am iiMakeDaModels, an aspiring developer on the site. I’m looking for a scripter to help me create a hit simulator, whose name I will not disclose publicly.

The Team
@username - Scripter
@iiMakeDaModels - Building/Modelling/UI

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter proficient in all the areas needed to create a simulator to top the charts. You will be programming pets, UI, and all other aspects of the game. I expect efficient work and a positive attitude. Good communication skills are a must; I will be talking to you often.

I don’t have a specific release date, but most simulators shouldn’t take more than a couple weeks/months to complete.


At this time, I am only able to offer a percentage of 30%.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or on Discord @Slurpsy#9209

Thanks for reading and I hope you apply!


If only you and a potential scripter is on a team, why do you deserve 70%?


I’m doing everything except scripting. UI’s, building, marketing, and anything else needed.

Considering this is a percentage payment offer, you will probably need to give more details on this project, e.g. What will the player do in the game? What are the monetization features you plan on implementing? How much funding do you have for this?

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Ok, still - Programmer should get more, or split it 50/50.
Keep in mind - Programmer is the guy bringing the game to the life.


I would argue that AT LEAST 60% of the revenue should go to the scripter. He/She basically gives reason for the game to work.

You can have tons of UI and models in the game, but the game won’t make sense until someone tells the models to move and the UI to interact.


I will provide more details to anyone willing to further talk on discord. I am trying to keep my game as much of a secret as possible.

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I disagree. If my percentages were split up into multiple different people on a team, nobody would be complaining.

But without us programming you wouldn’t have a game to bring to life nor hit the “Top Charts” . Also the 30% isn’t a secured profitable deal.

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Arguably, you could say that without the models, UI and animations, the game would also not hit the “Top Charts”.
However, I will say that if one person is making all of the rest, it’s likely not going to be of the best quality. You spread your skill out too much and end up doing a poorer job than someone who specialises in that area.

I’d recommend raising the percentage, at least a bit. Scripting is what makes your game a game.


The marketing aspect does not deserve an extra share if the owner is marketing - if their marketing effectively they’ll see results instead of boosting their share inorganically.

Practically everything other than building and programming is contracted work, so there shouldn’t be a boosted share for these tasks (unless your game is heavily based off of UIs).

If you want to do contracted work, you’ll need funds. And if you don’t have funds you’ll never boost your share to balance the programmer’s share.

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I have funds, but I’m looking for someone who can work on a percentage based payment. Also mentioning the extra marketing percentage boost, I originally had it at 33%-67% but I thought I would just add an extra 3% to my side for everything I would be doing for this project besides building and ui.

Already stated. You don’t force out an additional share for marketing if the owner is marketing - the owner will naturally find results and success if what he is doing is effective.

Also, I think you should bring out funds. Everything your doing deserved funds other than building, in balancing the percentage rate.

I sent you a discord invite. Not gonna knock the 30% until I know more. Really depends how simple of a game idea it is scripting wise.

Personally, 30% isn’t a good offer AT ALL.
Seeing as there is only two people on the team, the programmer should get 50%, not 30.

Of course, is there payment secured even if the game fails?


30% is super low, why wouldn’t a scripter just hire builders and other people and get 60%. The odds of you getting someone is so low. If you do, they are probably mediocre at best and have very to no motivation to work for a lack luster payout. Your greediness is getting to you and that’s the thing that’s going to haunt you in the future

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I’ll echo what others are saying. A 70% cut is very high.

UI and building aren’t really ‘continuous’ the same way scripting is. With scripts, you’re constantly patching bugs and such, whereas UI and building is more often than not contracted, one-time work. Not worth 70% of the project in my honest opinion.

disclaimer: I’m a scripter, but I also do UI design and music.


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