Hiring a scripter minimum of $120 + 30% if long term

The Studio

This is a game made by Unkn0wn Studio: Unkn0wn Studio - Roblox mostly me as a solo developer although I hire other people for tasks just like I will be doing for you :smile:

Current Team

@UnknownDevWasTaken Builder/Modeler
@MaybeYou? - Scripter

Currently, I can’t share much information on this post about the game although I will say it’s unique (however I will provide information on this project if you are interested)

What I’m looking for

I’m looking for an experienced programmer with at least a few games they don’t have to be popular I just need to see what you can do I am looking for someone with at least 2+ years of Lua experience and if you have experience in other languages that would boost your chances
I need you to be active and not take forever to do tasks

I have a list of things that are needed and a Trello if you absolutely need one


Like I said in the title a minimum of $120 USD and I can add % if you are short term but only up to 10% however if you work long term you will be given 30%+ :+1:

How to contact me

You can contact me here although I more than likely won’t respond if you want to reach me quicker you can message me on discord: UnknownDevWasTaken#9797
You can ping me a lot to get my attention (Also when we message please tell me you’re time zone and if you are busy any time soon that will help a lot)

Thanks for reading this post I hope to see you soon! :smiley:


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