Hiring a talented Ui designer

About The Group

Hello there my name is architect and i am looking for a talented UI designer (mainly using photoshop or something similar, not all roblox studio) for a dungeon crawler game which is getting pretty close to release, so we need some good UI’s since really it affects most of the game id say 75%

https://gyazo.com/fd888e34b0441cea6fd66ecdb3ee5bee - Upgrading system
(https://gyazo.com/bb2b5153c70507c4cc1704d7365d9b06) Inventory + spell slots
Roblox Studio ITEM DROPS + EXP Showcase - YouTube Item drop+ exp drop + gold + spell showcase
Roblox Studio INVENTORY & MAGIC Update Showcase - YouTube Inventory showcase + 2 more spell showcases
Roblox Studio ICE TRAP Attack!! - YouTube ice attack spell
Roblox CATASTROPHIC BLAST Magic Attack - YouTube Catastrophic blast

current lobby would be showing dungeon aswell upon application
RoMenia - Roblox Studio (gyazo.com) Sell
https://gyazo.com/ea068e050754c87119348435191220a9 undodgable mob
https://gyazo.com/452f50d89f7c45c221b336f4b3f67f30 1st attack for boss
Anyways that’s it for now (but ofc there is still more haha) (psst if you read to this part i could be taking a phew armor/ weapon modelers too hit me up)


i will be paying in percentages, since this is long term and for other things we can discuss all that in dms tho.


contact me either here for only questions or something like that
and or discord for even more questions and trying to apply and all that
Discord: Endless Dolphin/ Noodles minion#5045

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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