Hiring A UI Designer & A Long Term Game Designer. | When Dust Settles

About Us

Hi there! Im making a Dark RP game, thats all you need to know about me.

About The Job

We are looking for a UI Designer to help make the games UI. You are responsible for fixing current UI, adding new UI & making all UI mobile compatible or a new set for Mobile Users

We are also looking for a Game Designer that specializes in game design and game aesthetic to help us format the game better for more quality and long term game growth.

You are expected to start work immediately (Within 1 Day Of Hiring).

The Game Is Set To Release In 15 Days, This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. If you don’t finish then, you will continue working after release so we can add that in later.


We are paying our UI designer 1-3k Robux Per Month. We are also paying our Game Designer 1-2k Per Month.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/WDS_SocialMedia
Discord: EternalCanadianDev#1541
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :smile:

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hey i can help with a thing, when you mention that you want your guis fit in mobile what you need to do is set the size of X,Y to 1,0 and 1,0 then resize the gui in the screen of the game and it will be fixed.
if this help let me know

yo mate.
i want to be the game desinger i talked with you on discord have a nice day!
i also can make video in youtube about the game.

Orinthian Playz.

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I am very interested. I added you on dis. My name is PalmCrafter#8841

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