Hiring advanced UI Scripter and Animator


Hello, we are looking for an advanced scripter who can do UI as well, and an advanced animator. We will be working on two projects already planned, one at a time. The first being a game to get us our there and to get some money in our pockets and the second being a game that we will put our all in and will be our blood, sweat and tears.
(please put you all in both games, just the first one you may not need to work as hard lol)

About Us

Sup! So, we are a new game studio aiming to create games that are actually fun. Right now, roblox games are getting kind of bland so we are aiming to make a game that is actually fun and players will want to spend hours playing.

The Current Team
Logavix(me) - Building, project lead, owner
MaxJakii - 3D-Modelling, owner as well,

About The Job

  1. We are looking for an advanced scripter who knows UI as well. This is a key requirement as it really increases efficiency. You must be able to do the following and do the UI of the following:
  • Level system, meaning XP and getting the XP
  • A shop system and currency
  • A round system system where players are teleported to the lobby while not playing and stuff like that
  • Script the animations
  • Countdown bomb system
    These are the major things.
  1. We are also looking for an advanced animator. You must be able to animate in R6 very well and have good knowledge on rigging. A lot of your animations will have to do with agility, so keep that in mind(like dash, sprint, double jump etc)
    For both devs
    We expect daily communication. We are quite chill we development, as long as you can complete you tasks well, we don’t care much about how long it takes. Take you, time, but do well. Although, we do expect you to update date us with your progress every time you close that studio! We totally understand people have lives, and thus, communication is key. MaxJakii and I both wish to get along well with you guys and become a great developing team.
First image is the start of a map we are currently making(game 1) and the second and third image is on the map I accidentally started a while back(game 2) We will be focusing on game 1 before until release.


We are paying in percentage, but do not click off! There is a high chance of our games doing well. We currently already have an advanced team, the rest is on this depends on you!

Contact Us

Via discord: Logavix#5567
You must be 14 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! Hope to speak with you soon! :)))

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