About Us
Greetings, we are an airline that’s currently on development. We’re looking for scripters who are willing to join our team and do the task they are given. We are currently looking for someone to do the task below. Please contact us if you are able to do them. Thank you.
About The Things We Are Looking For
Roblox to Discord Webhook Command System
You would need to do a command system when someone from the High-Rank team runs !shout in-game a message would be sent via the Discord Webhook. This command shall only be used per 5 minutes.
Door System
When someone from the High-Rank team runs the command “!opendoor” everyone would be able to go through the door and when they type “!closedoor” the door would be closed no one would be able to go through it.
Please contact me if you can make the things above.
Negotiable, please contact for more information.
Contact Us
You may contact us via Discord.
Have a nice day!