Hiring aesthetic clothing designers for Ae$thetical Clothing!


Ae$thetical Clothing is a new clothing group dedicated to providing high quality and aesthetic clothing for the ROBLOX Community.


Owner - @jxstmsami
Head Designer - @msami7893
Junior Designer - @MissMae15


  • We expect responsible designers who have experience in designing clothing.
  • We expect our designers to be able to communicate in English.
  • We expect our designers to be able to respond to our requests.
  • We expect our designers to provide high quality work.

Details on What we are Looking for

We are looking for aesthetic and casual clothing that the community would like, check out some of our designs:




You will get paid per week as long you are making clothing enough to meet expectations (more details provided later), weekly rates start at 100 Robux and may increase depending on quality of work.


contact - mason!#3783
reply after you sent a request if you can not already send a dm


I’m not a clothing designer but I simply must comment on the payment! 5-20 Robux is equal to 2 - 7 cents USD! That is very low!

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Once we get designers who make clothing that makes sales, we will raise the payment to designers who are making good clothing as I don’t have much robux on hand at the moment, less then 300.


What’s good bro, I can make some clothing for yall as I got some experience myself in in cloth making
Here is my portfolio: Deleted post. L

I’m in the Uk so times may differ but hit me up on discord (in my portfolio) :grinning:

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sent a request please accept :smile:

Let’s say you’re sonic and you can make 5 designs an hour, if your payment is maxed out and you make 20 Robux per design, you would have made 35 cents an hour.

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once again,

i may up the price

What I’m trying to indicate is that you should invest a lot more into this or try designing yourself.

I’m designing myself as well. I made all the designs in the designs section.

@xKorl @UnknownParabellum
I’ve changed the payment rates.

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