Hiring animator for fighting moves

About Us

Hello, I am Captain! I am looking for an animator to make some fighting moves for me.

The Team
@Gilzoid + YouNotFair - Builders
@CaptainD_veloper - Scripter

About The Job

We are looking for an animator to make fighting moves, such as punch, kick, and so on. This must be r15.

The game will need at least 10 animations.


I am willing to pay around 500 robux per animation depending on quality, through tshirt. I will provide for tax.

Contact Us

Contact me on DevForums or Discord: Captain#1855

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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I have sent a friend request to you on discord, my username and tag are: meow?#0001

one of my developers also sent a friend request to you. Goes by legensama. Thanks! : )

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