About The Job
I’m currently seeking animators, modelers and builders for my newest project. Having a good imagination and passion is a prerequisite.
The project will include a fluid and snappy combat system. Animators will need to be very versatile and capable of doing various moves from melee (punches, kicks, sword slashes, etc.) to blocks, parries, flips, charges, blasts and whatever else the move set may demand. Animations will need to flow well with this style of gameplay for the most part, with the exception of more special and powerful moves.
This game will have a primarily steampunk/industrial vibe. Modelers will need to be able to model airships that the player will be able to operate and walk around inside. Airships will need to be fitted with weapons that will use constraints to move and airships will need to have designated locations for seating and driving. Assets will be low to medium poly, flat geometry.
The game will contain melee weapons, so I am looking for people who are hopefully versatile enough to do both airships and weapons.
As far as builders go, I’m looking for people who semi-detailed structures and plants. Performance is important. The game will have many biomes and will need a variety of houses, buildings, bridges connecting floating islands and foliage. Not every building will need to be enterable. Environments are destructible, but to conserve performance few structures and most foliage will be within this group. It would help if you are capable of alternating between builds and 3D models depending on what is required, but it’s obviously not a deal breaker. Builds need to be easily dragged around and snapped so keep rounding in mind, no smaller than .25; avoid scaling.
I’m looking for people who can start as soon as possible and be online regularly to work on assets for the project, as it will streamline the development process.
You will be paid on a per asset basis that will scale with the complexity of the assets submitted. You will be paid in either robux or USD depending on preference.
Please supply examples of your work and I will reach out if I believe it fits my vision for this project. I’m pretty picky. From there, we will negotiate prices. Thanks for reading!