[HIRING] Builder/Terrain Maker to make a Medium Map. [PRICE:] 10k+ [NEGOTIABLE]


Good day Everyone! I’m looking for a builder to assist me with a project I’m working on. I am in need of terrain for my project not too small and not too big. I’m looking for terrain similar to the bayou in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The builder needs to be fairly experienced in Terrain making


^Like this but with more New Orleans look, and a bit more water (swampy).

The Team
[EMPTY] - Builder/Terrain Maker

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord @ Alex Arceneaux#6666
Or the Dev Forum Direct Messages!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting any candidates


I can do the terrain, but not the builds.

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interested amm me on roblox Peer#4536

you already dmed me so dont worry

What’s your discord Discord so I can add you?

Goldengolom772#8051 30 characters

Your discord tag doesn’t seem to work, please contact me; Dav.id#1189

I am up for the job, but your user isnt showing up for me in Discord, please friend me @Alb#6439.

im interested add me>;X#0096 i tried your tag but itwouldnt let me add you

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