[HIRING] Car Programmer [100k]

Car Programmer

About Us

Hello! I am Caratts, the founder and builder of Ocean Hotels, a hotel group with 114k+ members and around 5M+ visits in total.
We are looking for a programmer who has experience with cars.

You can check out our game here: Ocean Hotels V4 - Roblox

The Team
@Caratts - owner and builder of the hotel

About The Job

  1. We are looking for a programmer who has experience with scripting cars
  2. The cars have to be entered with an ā€œEā€ (enter) UI button
  3. The cars must flip (automatically or with a button) when they are stuck
  4. The cars must drive smoothly, through corners and over small bumps
  5. The cars must have engine sound effects
  6. There must be an efficient system to implement the same code to new cars, in case that we add more cars in the future.

These cars were made by @Skilled_On


I am willing to pay around 100k robux through group funds, which you will be able to devex.
I do not mind to pay a non-refundable deposit upfront, as soon as you start making progress and if you are showing that you are dedicated to finish this project.

Payment is still negotiable, I can pay more if needed.


Developer Forum: @caratts
Discord: Caratts#6048
Twitter: https://twitter.com/24Caratts
Roblox group: Ocean Games: Roleplay - Roblox

Thank you for reading! :slight_smile:

PS: Feel free to share this post with anyone who might be interested, and let me know if I forgot to add any important information to this post.


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