[HIRING] Catchy VFX Makers [$300+]

About Us

Hey everyone! Our team “Playful” is looking for quality VFX makers to help us with our new upcoming game, Boundless!

Here’s some clips and screenshots of our work:


About The Job

We are looking for talented programmers and particle makers to create quality visual effects for our game. All coding will be local-sided and we’ll design systems around your needs for it. We’ll provide you with any tools you require to create the best content you can. Good communication skills are appreciated.

Basic examples of what we’re looking for are some of the special effects that are commonly found in quality anime type games on Roblox.


We are expecting at least 10 effects, however, we will negotiate a price between $15 and $30 per effect depending on the quality of work, experience, and the time it takes to reach us.

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forums
Discord: Jon#0004
Twitter: https://twitter.com/echozenkai?lang=en

Cheers! :sunglasses:

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