[HIRING] Ciuff Ciuff! | Race Game

Job Recruitment Template

About Us

good morning dear developers! today I got out of bed inspired by this wonderful idea, I have in mind to create a vehicle simulator style game but cartoony and with trains instead of cars

The Team
@bobsniy - UI + Graphics + UIX + Modeler
@CouldBeYou - Scripter
@CouldBeYou - Builder
@CouldBeYou - Modeler 2
@CouldBeYou - Animator

About The Job

We will have the opportunity to decide together and become a great team, just believe it, and know that small things come out great things!

Scripter He must know how to script everything, the animator must know how to animate running, walking, and custom rigs

Game Build Style Will be given in dm on ds

Remember Good Games takes long dev-time


You can choose your percentage.

Contact Us

Discord: Sythm#1504
Twitter: bobsniy

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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