Hiring Clothing designer for re-opening to WEcompany & Friends!

Hello developers! I want to hire a clothing designer to stand along with me with WEcompany & Friends!

What is WEcompany & Friends?

WEcompany & Friends was a group that made games, but was transfered to Cried as it became more popular. Now, I want to re-brands the entire group as a clothing store.


I will pay 50% of all revenue we get.

What about the fee?

I will handle 100% of the clothing uploading fee when it comes out.

What about me?

I will also be making clothing for WEcompany & Friends, but I want someone better than me.


My most preferred one is through the DevForum @WEcompany, but if you want, you can contact me on Discord at WEcompany#7581

Thank you, have a great day, hope you apply

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