[HIRING] Clothing designers needed

About Us

Hi there! We are a small British Army with around 8,600 members. We are currently looking for new uniforms for our army! We need them done in a few days.

The Team
@vdw0 - Builder
@ReaperNexcon - Scripter
@lucided - Scripter

You can see our progress so far here: [💥WAR💥] British Army - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a professional clothing designer to join our team as our lead content artist. We want the best of the best, We want a top notch MILITARY CLOTHING DESIGNER to help us.

Some of the examples are:


Our game needs at least 15 new assets completed by the end of this month. We expect them to be done by monday night or early tuesday morning.


We are paying 500R$ per asset. Our preferred payment method is ROBUX.

Contact Us

Contact me: samuel#0002

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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