Hiring Community Manager

Looking for somebody who can help manage community events, etc. They need to be experienced in their field. Preferably someone with a large amount of experience in marketing too.

Payment will be by commission. BTC or group funds.

Contact me at lord#0003.


I’m down robux I can’t dm can you send a server link? Parents don’t let me Dm

You can contact me at lord#0003.

I said I don’t dm could you send a server link

In that case you aren’t qualified for the position.

Hey I’m interested! I sent you a friend request, lolheads#5854.

I’ll send you a request now. I have plenty of experience.

Sent you a friend request (stephen#5154). I have experience managing communities with up to 100,000 members - I’d love to talk with you further about this opportunity :slight_smile:.

Still looking for one more person to assist me and my current team.

Hey I am down I added you my discord is Lyte#0001

Hello, what genre of group is this for?

This is based in the space genre.

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