HIRING | Corporate Team Application


Good afternoon, everyone! As we have informed you about new fresh start (Discord server), we have decided to open Corporate Team application, we’re looking for Corporate Team members with good experience.


  • You must be 13 years old or above, meaning you mustn’t have safechat.
  • You must have normal moderation history.
  • You need to understand English and you need to use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.
  • You must have a Trello account if you don’t have one you can register it here.
  • You must be in group.


  • Once you submit your response to the application you automatically agree that we can collect your data, this data will not be shared to anyone nor will be used for any inappropriate and illegal reasons. Your data will be deleted by our Presidential Team in 3 months. Please note that we can use your information against you for proof.

  • If you didn’t read the description (requirements and notes) of the application and you submitted your response and you don’t agree to our requirements/notes your application will be deleted along with data if you notify Presidential Team about that.


:link: ROBLOX Group - This is the official link to our ROBLOX group.

:link: Corporate Team Application - This is the official link to Corporate Team application.

Presidential Team wishes you the best of luck on passing this application, this application will be open until we will get many responses. We will notify you if we will be announcing results or closing the application.


Questions :question: Join our Discord server (you must be 13+) and message me there or private message me on ROBLOX.

Presidential Team