Hiring Designers

Greetings, I’ve recently decided to continue growing my clothing group. With that being said I’m in need of clothing designers.

Payment will be discussed in Direct Messages, if you’d like to contact me about the position you can message me on Discord, my tag is: miraa#1553!

The group’s link is: eisals - Roblox

Keep in mind you have to be at least 13+ due to Discord’s ToS.

I’m looking forward to work with you. :smiley:


How much are you estimating that you will pay designers, can you at least put a range? Example: “I am looking to pay 100 - 200 per design.” It doesn’t have to be those numbers obviously but it would be nice if the post was less vague :slight_smile:

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I was thinking to discuss it with the designer itself, but it is going to be over 100 per design! If the designer wants a higher price, I can definitely higher it! It’s up to them.

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Thank you for the reply! I have just sent you a request on Discord as I am interested in learning more about the position.


Thank you everyone for reaching out, I’m no longer looking for designers!