Hiring Developers [Architecture builder, Scripters, clothing designers]

About The Group
Hi there! I am the Regional Director at Steinert High School!, a small upcoming group . We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our development team and work with us on our new group , Steinert High School

I am looking for a modern/ low-poly/ architecture builder who has experience in building a high school or willing to attempt this build. The build will be used for my new group coming to ROBLOX.

Example of the style


I’m willing to pay ROBUXS/USD for the build Price is set based off experience, time frame, skills.

Contact me
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: JODY#5502
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

This guy is a waste of time, not recommended.

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Please understand you are trying to scam me out of my money !

He’s not wrong, people can steal client side situation, by copying the whole design now in one click, using scripts. Obviously eric doesn’t know if you can exploit that or not, but due to that risk, he could not let you play.

Eric, I suggest doing a live stream with parxellx going through entire build and it’s much safer that way.

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I did view the screenshots he sent me. They look so similar to the reference guide I provided him. That is the reason I wish to seen myself. Personally I feel as if he leaked that build and tried to resale, that was really my only concern.

Ah I see, try contacting him again about this idea instead, it should work out better.

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Or hire you lol JK, I just ended conversations with him, he was really nasty after asking to view the build I qoute ’ I’ve soon you enough now time for you to pay me that money" what is that to tell a client ?

That’s quite harsh, yeah I guess just leave it off from him at this point, maybe hire another builder eventually due to the fact that guy seem to fly completely off the charts of respect.

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I totally agree with you! Ha maybe we could you know become friends lol you seem to be a nice fella :wink: I value you kindness. If so HMU Discord JODY#5502

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perhaps, sure why not, I’ll be happy to know you.


Hello, I am interested in being a scripter for your group. DM Me on discord at: UrDailyCupOfTea#0174. Or check out my website here.


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