Hiring Developers for a "Secret Project"

About Us

Hi there! I’m JonathonBows I am looking for a map builder to help me make a map. The roles under are the roles i need too

The Team
@JonathonBows - Owner/Head Developer/ Builder
@CouldBeyou - Builder
@CouldBeyou - Builder
@CouldBeyou - Scripter
@CouldBeyou - Scripter
@CouldBeyou - Modeler
@CouldBeyou - Terrain Developer
@CouldBeyou - GFX Artist

About The Job

I need a Roleplay map built, A mid-large size map with buildings a bridge with water under, ETC, Just a roleplay map


I dont have any payment atm but if game goes good i will pay

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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