About Us
Hey there! I am DuckDeveloper the founder of Global Studio I am looking for some developers to help me on my journey to create a DCEU Fan-Made game.
The game will happen in Gotham, and Metropolis City.
We can go over details of the game when I accept you as a developer.
About The Job
This is a long-term job so you will be paid accordingly to how much you have completed that month. You also must get a task that I have assigned to you done before I can accept you onto the team. You must also fit the criteria listed below.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
You also must be willing to go fulltime for this job
You must also have a portfolio or just pictures of your work
We can go over other details in Dm’s or here on the DevForum
Developers I need:
6 Builders
4 Scripters
3 Animators
1 GFX Artist
2 3D Modelers/Blender Artist
1 Particle/Trail/Beam/etc Maker
1 UI Designer
NOTE: The payments listed below are only going to be before the game is released once the game is released. Developer pay will increased significantly once the game starts to make some money.
I am willing to pay 1000 Robux to 15K Robux per builder
I am willing to pay 500 - 5K for a 3D Modeler
I am willing to pay 1000 - 5K for Particle Maker
I am willing to pay 1000 -5K for UI Designer
I am willing to pay 1000 - 20K for Scripter
I am willing to pay 500 - 7K for GFX Artist
I am willing to pay 500 - 6K for Animator
Contact Me
You can contact me here on the DevForum or on discord
My Username and Tag is DuckDeveloper #8453
Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my post! smile: