Hiring Developers of all kinds!

About Us

Hi there! We are Frutiki Juice Bar, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Big Game!

The Team
@username - builder
@username - 3d modeler
@username - scripter(s)

About The Job

Builder - Our builder will need to build a training center. We are looking for something like this!

Scripter 1 - You will need to be able to script an application center and group ranking bot
Scripter 2 - You will be in charge of scripting the training center and Juice Bar
Ui - You will need to design the Guis such as: Menu, rules, ect.


We are paying in a percentage of what the group earns. Amounts will be discussed further in discord.

Contact Us

You can contact us on discord at Innocent Karen#4421
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


If you have tasks for a 3D Modeler, please DM me RocketScript#5634

Are you looking for a specific level of experience?

No as long as the job can be done successfuly

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Hmm sure! I’m a builder and is interested! Here’s my user: chatoyant_tea#8497

I’m interested
Contact me on discord:

You arnt acceoting friend requests.

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I’ll change it! Try now! :smiley:

Added you on discord: warre002#0788

If the job is still open I’d like to apply for the animator role!

Here are some of the things vie animated.
Ob1Mk9I9A6 ![Ib1qZMKwpF|690x326]Pyugi9JJBJ

This is only some of my work, aside from that I will only be available during weekends and holidays due to school if that’s understandable! But I can work very hard on those days to keep up with your demand. :smiley:

I also don’t have discord, but I can always be contacted here on the forum! :sweat_smile:

Hello! I’m interested in the scripter position. I’ve added you in discord.

User: imalyssaaaaa#1434

Howdy, is there any space for a builder?

Discord XxMissSporty877241xX#2271.

Im interested. I friended you

(Ill take scripter 1 or 2 )


I didnt get it but i sent you one. I’m Rossi

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