Hiring developers to edit F3X Building Tools

Hiring developers to edit F3X Building tools

About Us

Hi there! I am a developer who wants to make simple games that people are always trying to make and making their creations better! I already made a simple game named “Free Owner Admin (Abusive Commands Blocked)” and that has gotten pretty popular within the past six months. So now, I am trying to create a game with a potential popular plan, where we are trying to create a hangout game that has F3X Building tools, but edited so the players can’t edit other players builds and they can’t make their blocks over 200 studs high, 200 studs long, and 200 studs width, (This would prevent people from making a huge block that puts everyone into the void and then the players can’t do anything about it.)

The Team
@D3V_Alex - Project manager, UI, Building, and Developer forum posts.
@username - Scripter

About The Job

We are hiring someone to edit F3X btools to make our game plan be simple and fun! We want someone to make plots and script camera movement for the ui being pressed/clicked, and will gain a percent of what we get off of this game,


We are paying [30%] of what we get from this game Our preferred payment method is [R$].
40% of the funds will go to investing into advertisements, 5% will go to investing into a different game, and the next 25% will go to me.

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord at Alexgamer1514#3620
My time zone: Central time (US)
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Join our group here: Hangout Games Studios - Roblox

My time is limited, since I own some other projects and also a whole other studio.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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