Hiring Developers

Hey, Roblox Developers! :wave:

Recently, I decided to start off a new game in the Roblox platform which is called Emergency Services: Los Santos.
Extended information about the game will be explained privately.

Due to that, I am in need of lot of developers.
I am currently only looking for advanced developers, as you will be asked to create hard tasks.

Needed Developers

1 advanced Builder.
2 advanced Scripters.
2 advanced User Interfaces Designers.
1 talented Graphics Designer.
1 Clothing Designer.
1 3D Modeler.

Payment Information

The payment consists of the 5 or 10 percentage which will be taken from the Robux which are made from donations and/or gamepasses.

EDIT: Each developer will be paid with that amount, not that for every developer. Sorry if this confused you.

Other Information

If you are interested in the job, please message me (bxnny#8147).
You will be asked and are required to provide your portfolio. Otherwise, you’ll be denied immediately from the job.
You will get information regarding the tasks you need to create in the game after you have contacted me.


Good luck on finding people! I am a big fan of the gta franchise so the fact that this project is located in los santos interests me.


I’m trying to under stand the payment are you offering 5 or 10 percent from what the game makes If so you will very rarely find developer that will work for those rates most developers are looking for 40 percent or more


The building of this game is low poly or high poly or mid?

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Is percentage guaranteed? Why 5-10? All 90% for your self?

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I would assume that everything but builders and scripters are paid by the item instead of a percentage, which means you’d get at least 70% of the funds?

Not 90% percentage for myself. 5-10% percentage for each developer, which means I would be getting 20 or 60% as all the developers would be getting 40 or 80%.

@NicholasY4815 would like this reply, as well.

With no offense to the GFX Designers, Clothing Designers, 3D Modelers, and UI Designers out there, I personally feel like the aforementioned positions do not regularly contribute to a game to receive a percentage cut as compared to being paid for each item that they create. This would also put Scripters and Builders, who often put in much more work into a game’s success than the aforementioned positions would, at the same level of revenue as the other positions.

Please reconsider your percentage cuts for each position, this post can provide some more information on where I come from.


Not trying to be rude or anything but 5-10% Seems very very low as it would barely payout anything with that cut split will developers as well

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So…all 8 developers combined would only get 40% all to themselves or does it vary from the amount of builders you have? ( Cause even it’s 80% That’s like 10% of the profit to one dev. No matter hard the the job is. )

No offense,but 9-10% is way to low becuase im a scripter and i expect 30% or more,espically because a scripter makes the game come to life

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At these rates (which are absurdly low for the builders and scripters) you would be getting, at least, 20% of the revenue.

If you’re not building, scripting, designing, or modelling, what exactly is it you will be doing to justify earning twice as much as everyone else?

Ok tell me then what models will you use if the 3D Modeler doesn’t get payed

I never said that modelers shouldn’t get paid, just that they shouldn’t be put on the same percentage that scripters and builders - who contribute much more to the game - would receive. Modelers can easily be paid on a per-item basis (e.g., 1k robux for a single gun) and often receive smaller assignments as compared to builders and scripters.

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