Hiring Developers

About Us:

Greetings, FOM or “Forges of Mars” is a Warhammer 40k group setting itself within the faction of the Adeptus Mechanicus. If you’re not familiar with what Warhammer 40k is, I would suggest you search it up. But to put it simply, the genre is Grimdark.

As a group, we strive to give Warhammer 40k a change to suit all audiences of certain ages on Roblox, not to have them deterred by its dark and harsh warlike setting that would not appeal so much to the more youthful.

The group is a vessel for the games that I hope to have produced and made famous on Roblox. The “Projects” will most probably be experimental. They will not entirely follow 40k lore or basic mechanics found averagely in most games. However, the group will also act as military, medical and scientific forces, amongst other duties.

Although the group is a Vessel, we will be doing normal group activities. These activities will be both inside and outside the genre and consist of game nights hosted on the platform we use for verbal communication.

Well, I hope this was to your liking, the interested reader, on the topic of who we are or represent. Either way, I hope you will come and partake in building our success from the ashes to that of the great beyond.


The Current Team :

@Usernames- Builders. (Blender/Studio) (Highly Desired)

@usernames - Scripters.

@usernames - Marcus - GFX

@usernames- Monte - Animators.

@usernames- Modelers .

@usernames - Madi.

About The Job:

FOM is in search of professional and imaginative developers. Developers who are Active and get the job done while bold enough to create more unique experiences for future projects.

This will be Long term development, but we might accept short term devs as well.

What we require is Warhammer 40k content. That means from the models to the map itself must all be 40k or styled as such. That might change, but either way, expect the style for most of the development. The architecture will be Gothic or semi-gothic, depending on specific aspects of the build desired.

Scripting will be widely desired. Most of what I have in store to make this game popular requires enormous amounts of quality scripting/modelling.

All questions regarding what we want will be discussed after employment.

You must have a portfolio ready, and you must also be over seventeen to work for us. However, it’s advised that you still try to apply if you’re not over seventeen. Exceptions might be made. Also, you may be asked to make something if a portfolio can’t be given.


It might be 5 - 10k per person. However, It is asked that prices be discussed or negotiated over Discord. Contractors might be asked to sign a contract. (It’s a reoccurring payment.)

Contact Information:

Discord: Adeptus Mechanicus#2966

Thank you for your time. Any interest should be taken up in Discord.

Note: To be edited and revised.

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