Hello! I’m the owner of a car based game (Roanoke, VA), you can do many things there such as race friends, roleplay, but that’s besides the point. I’m looking to hire people who are good with ELS (emergency lights systems) for our police cars. Our police cars use a California based light pattern which has bothered some players of the game which I would like to fix. I’m willing to pay 10k+ robux. Friend me on discord @ srebrenikk business acc#6590 if you are willing to take the job offer and more info!
The wrong category my guy it’s on the recruitment page not here.
Hello I sent you a friend request
Hello. I see you are looking for ELS developers. I am very interested in this and have sent you a Discord friend request. It should come in as AWildPanda#9376 . I have been doing ELS for multiple years starting from the time of block cars and even more during Mesh car times. I would love to work for your team if you could contact me and I can send you some of my work.
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