[HIRING] | Executive Team Applications | La Floraison Restaurant


La Floraison Restaurant is a restaurant group on the Roblox platform aiming to serve the Roblox community with positive and welcoming customer service. Here at La Floraison, we value our customer’s wants and needs. However, none of this is possible without a dedicated executive team.

This group was founded in April of 2020 and has been in need of new executive team members. We’d love to see you apply and come aboard!

Applications are available in the communications server (linked in the group).



Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is an exclusive panel of executives that work together to solve issues within the community. They must be creative and be able to come up with unique plans to boost the group’s overall well-being. The Board of Directors works closely with the corporate office as a whole to make new and exciting ideas a reality.

Experience is required to be considered for the position.

Associate Director

Associate Directors work closely with the Chief Staff Officer to conduct assessments on staff base. This may include reviewing applications as well as surveying staff members on their general knowledge of the company and their responsibilities. They may also assist the Executive Directors with planning of shifts and special events.

Experience is not required, but it greatly increases your chance of being accepted into the position.

Executive Director

Executive Directors are responsible for scheduling special events such as game nights, spirit weeks, and affiliate activities. They also schedule other executives to host interview and training sessions. Executive Directors may also be required to assist Corporate Officers and their assistants with their duties as needed.

Experience is not required, but it greatly increases your chance of being accepted into the position.

Corporate Assistant

Corporate Assistant positions are available in the communications department, staffing department, and executive department. Each is important to the well-being of the group and helps us to maintain a safe, welcoming, and positive environment. These roles are responsible for assisting the corporate officers with their duties while also moderating the Discord server, the restaurant, and hiring new staff members.

Experience is not required, but it greatly increases your chance of being accepted into the position.

Chief Staff Officer

The Chief Staff Officer is responsible for the hiring and firing of staff members. They should also be able to create and maintain a welcoming and positive environment for our staff. This position is very important to creating a good environment for staff members, new and old.

Experience is not required, but it greatly increases your chance of being accepted into the position.


eclxpsis - President
Eternebula - Vice President
Retail_Owner - Chief Executive Officer
tarot_king - Chief Moderation Officer
Yourmommakaaaaak - Chief Communications Officer

Thank you for your time! We encourage you to apply.