Hiring Experienced Animator | Footprint Games

About Footprint Games

Hello I am Austune, Builder and Founder of Footprint Games. I have worked for studios like Cloud Entertainment(Fishing Simulator/Blade Of Honor)
Including I have worked with ColdDeveloper and Kensizo.


We have an Investor that will provide funding for the game such as sponsorships/advertisements.

The Team
@Austune - Building/Boss
@OPEN - Animator
@Deleavs - Scripter
@powerbuby - UI

About The Job

We are looking for a Professional Animator, someone who will not only take this Job seriously, but attend to developing every day and is super active. The project is called Flag Dash. The game is already released for payed access in pre-alpha.

The Animator would be required to make animations for every weapon in the game and other basic things. More can be discussed when contacted.

Including that the game would be updated weekly once player count rises, you will need to be Communicative and always trying to improve upon the things you do.

Flag Dash


I also require that you must be above the age of 17.
If you are a busy person or are currently involved in any other projects, there must be a 100% guarantee that you will work every day and finish everything on time without leading me on or wasting my time.
(I prefer you to not be involved in other projects)

I should also include that not everything is finished, UI is being redesigned, and things are definitely changing for improvement.


Before you ignore this offer, you will be payed more than anyone would generally pay you.
You will receive No payment until the game is released and revenue has came in.

BUT I may be able to pay you before release due to me releasing 2 other games before the release of this one(This game Releases July 10th) PAYMENT IN ROBUX

Contact Us

Contact me on Discord for more Information - Austune#4610

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