NRPS Hiring Announcement
Hi there, we are Niagara Regional Police Service, we are a police roleplaying group who are working on our version 2.0 of our game.
The Team
@wacofIux - Owner
@TheROBLOXMAPMAKE - Head Developer, Scripting
Here are some important links if you wanna come check us out!
V1 Game Link
V2 Testing Game (It’s a bit messy)
About The Job
We are looking for an experienced animator who works with R15 (or can work with R15). The walking animation should resemble a natural human walk. We are also looking for a running animation. It does not matter what framerate it is, it just needs to be R15 and needs to look good. We do expect progress updates everyday, with GIFs, Videos or pictures of the work.
Requirements to Apply
- Must be experienced with animating R15
- Must have prior work to show
- Must be willing to make changes at any time
- Must be able to work quickly and efficiently
Payment is negotiable depending on quality of work, time spent productively working, and any changes we request during the job.
Contact Us
You can contact the owner directly on discord directly at: littleflux#6382 or DM me on the Dev Forum, another option is to join the server and then contact myself or the owner via DMs