Hiring experienced developer for my Juice Bar + Training Center . [CLOSED]


We are Vercadó, an upcoming Juice Bar looking for a high quality builder to make us a Juice Bar and a Training Center.

About the job.

-The job does not have a deadline, please spend as much time as you need creating it.
-I am looking for a realistic build, if not then mid-realistic.
-The size of the Juice Bar needs to be small/medium.
-If you can, please create a terrain for the Juice Bar.
-Medium sized Training Center.

I will show you build examples to give you a rough idea of what I am looking for.


-For this project, I am looking to pay around 15,000R$ - 20,000R$.


DM me on discord, or on the developer forum.

DISCORD TAG - Verixties #5095

Thank you!


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