Hiring Experienced Scripter ($100 USD + %)

Hello! my name is cgmaf7 and I am building an awesome simulator type game and looking for help in completing the scripting. I am looking for an experienced scripter that knows how to script the below. I will also be hiring someone for UI and animation but looking to get the programmer on board first.

The Team
@cgmaf7 - Map creation/modeling/Building
open - Scripter

My map is about 90% completed, just adding some finishing touches and detail. Much of the vehicles, weapons, props, etc are built, scripted, and ready to go. I was able to complete some of the scripts myself, such as the in game currency and day/night script, but need help with the rest, see below for details.

Scripter: what you’ll be doing:

  1. Quest system script (all desired quests will be given to you)
  2. Touch event script (hold “x” to complete task, details upon acceptance)
  3. Inventory system (all items will be provided to you)
  4. Store (all items will be provided to you)
  5. Cash door access (next level with in game currency)
  6. Gamepass
  7. Chest system

I am looking to pay $100 USD (paypal) + 35% of total game profits.

Contact Us
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: cgmaf7#5629
You must be 16 years or older to apply.

Additional Info:
Previous work examples would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading everyone! I look forward to hearing from you and have a great day!


still open and accepting invites!

I wasn’t able to add your Discord, can you add me AstralKick#3438?

invite sent.

30 characterssssss

Hello, is the position still open? I’ve not been able to add you on discord. Could you add me? lrogerorrit#2487

I couldn’t find your discord either? I sent you a roblox friend request.

Hey! I am interested in your post my discord is Lyte#1857

Edit: It seems your discord is not working please contact me on there.

Hello. Is the position still open? If so, could you add me on Discord: GamesCell#2279, I couldn’t add you currently on it.

Hello can u add me your disc isnt working

my discord: HarryMcFlury#8910

Hello All,

Thank you for the replies! This position is currently closed. However, if my current scripter doesn’t work out I will reach out to each of you. Thanks again!

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