[HIRING] Game Designer [R$]

About Us

Hello, I am Xark and I am looking for a game designer who have potential in thinking new features, what to fix, what is not working, what should be removed.

About The Job

We are looking for a professional game designer with past experience in reviving games or thinking about features that worked really well. Currently, the game doesn’t attract much attention so that’s why we need YOU to think about what is working and what is not. If you do not have past experience, do not apply, please.

This is the game


We are paying in R$, but not a fixed quantity. Basically, the time you work for me as a game desgner you will receive 15%-30% of the game revenue. Why am I doing it like this? Well, because if you work badly, you will receive almost no robux, but if you work good and the features you suggest are really good, you should get robux. This just proves you’re confident about your game designer skill.

Contact Us

You can contact me here, in the DevForum.
Do not apply if you’re not 16 years old or older.


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