BUT We stumbled across the small, but obvious problem, of not having anybody to design our gamepass icons!!
As this is a simulator i’m looking for a sunburst effect or something as the background with something cartoony as the icon. My old gamepass icon maker sadly has stopped doing them now.
Here is an example of my previous icons(something similar to this please)
Payment: I’m looking to pay around 300 Robux For each gamepass. I will need around 10 gamepasses created. Preferably within the next 24 Hours, if this is completed you will receive higher payment
For something along the lines of your example, i think 600-1k is reasonable. I could make you an icon for the amount you are paying, but i doubt it’s going to be the high quality you are looking for.
For a high quality gamepass icon 300 robux each isn’t much. For something that’s going take a few hours that is. Paying below $5 for all this work isn’t preferred. You might find someone however.