Hiring high quality animator!

I am Alexyroyal30, I am searching an animator that can help my team with the developing of our next simulator.

We hope that our animator can work fast and good, We are not searching the perfection, but we are searching a good quality of animations.

We want to give a 5% of the game earings to the animator that can help us,by the way this animator could we help us in the future with future updates or with new games!!! Payament negotiable!

If you are interested in the job you can contact me in my discord (alexyroyal30#5618)

Thank you so much for read this post, I hope that you will can work with us and join into our group :smile:


Do you have any actual backup payment?

Heya, I recommend giving out some detail regarding the actual job so people adept to animating don’t apply. Other than that, Im always emphasising on Not using Percentage as a Singular Payment as it shows you don’t possibly have enough cash for ads/sponsors.

-Also make sure to keep it more professional, Im having trouble understanding some sentences and general grammar, so make sure to always finish a word ( Think you meant ‘Earnings’ when you typed ‘Ear’)

Yes. I’ll split 10k robux in the whole team.

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I can animate. Dm me @Clxzed#8551

Can you list some animations that might be needed?

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