[Hiring] Hiring developers for a fictional WW2 group

About Us
Hello! We are The Combatant’s Military, a fictional WW2 military group based in the pacific. We consist of 252 members and active personnel.

Here is our group link: The Combatant's - Roblox

The Team
@username - Environment Design
@username - Builder
@username - Scripter

About The Job [Building]

We are looking for a realistic professional builder that works efficiently and can provide previous work.

You will build:

  • A new base (I know, big project)

  • A raid map (Will be used in practice raids and war)

  • A small inspection map (Will be used for weekly inspections)

We are paying a flexible amount of R$ for each map you design.

About The Job [Scripting]

We are looking for a professional scripter and can provide previous work.

You will script:

  • A Team changer GUI

  • Rank (Name, Rank, Division)

  • Gates and doors built around the map

We are paying a flexible amount of R$ for each script you design.

Contact us here! CommanderRico#6476

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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