You will be required to make 2-4 monsters per area. Each area is divided into Districts. Each area will have 3 districts. We will have a total of 6 areas, meaning you will have to make about 24 monsters. Just a note, we will tell you the monsters required for each area.
Our Style
Each monster should be low-poly style.
These are the following areas.
The Forest
The Ocean
The Desert
The North Pole
The Future
You will be paid 20% of our game Revenue.
If this game doesn’t go popular, you will not be paid. Sorry!
If you do wish to apply for this job, please contact : zk_Maxx#1335 on Discord, or feel free to contact me here on the DevForum.
Please be ready to send over at least 6-8 examples of your previous work.
We have the opportunity to not be paid, even after modeling over 20 monsters? That’s extremely risky for someone looking to make high-quality models, which generally take hours. I advise you find an investor to help pay the development costs.
To be honest as well, the fact that your expecting your devs to practically work for free is phenomenal due to the fact that this is such a huge task and your saying that if it doesn’t go popular they won’t be paid.
If your planning on having developers you also need to know that you need to pay a fee for wasting their time if the game doesn’t go well. In all honesty, I suggest you save up and then go and hire and pay developers either monthly or per task.
The other comments are trying to make you understand you need pay. If you cannot offer pay don’t offer percentage pay because modeling should be upfront.
And with these kind of things, I would say older users have more experience in applying for a job than younger users. Even if the game is already a success, these modelers can easily fetch out a better opportunity. But when this game isn’t a success the chances are slim.
If you’re curious about the models you’ll be getting at this point, they’ll be about the spheres and five parts.
If you cannot afford this task, why start it? I’ve seen this point vastly spread around the DevForum, yet no one takes note of it.