[Hiring] I need a asset sketcher for 45% funds

About Me

Hi there! I am shadowedxentity, shadow for short. I am a modeler and think if I had someone to sketch ideas for me such as swords or other things I could improve my work greatly. It would be amazing if I had a sketcher to report to for ideas! Here is my portfolio if you need to see it before wanting to work with me- (Comms open) Builder | artist | modeler Kuroxity

The Team
@ShadowedxEntity - Modeler
You- sketcher

About The Job

I just need someone to sketch ideas such as swords for me to make. We will be selling each asset for anyone who would like to have it.


I am willing to give 45% for each asset that will be made. Each asset will be worth between 500-10k robux each. Smaller items such as swords will most likely be around 750 robux. Larger items or sets such as armor sets or nature sets will cost more. In between would be more of some detailed gun models. It usually will depend on quality and time effort.

Contact Us

You can contact me using dev forum or via discord, Shadowx#8407 Please provide a portfolio to me so I can determine who to hire. It can be either a one time thing or a permanent job. Unless you have an idea and come to me with a sketch to make then I will end up asking you to give me a sketch when the time comes.
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


That is quite the range. I recommend being more specific with prices. Good luck with your recruitment!


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I added some more to it. Is that better?

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Yeah, thats an improvement. Good luck with your recruiting!

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500-10k is a very big gap. Make the game smaller like 500-750 or 8-10k.

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