Hiring Long term Builders 50k-150k (Gets paid per comission)

Nonthing too complicated. I’ve been working on this vibe game way before vibe games started.

I recently saw they were a trend so I want to finish it up.

Requirements : Multiple forms of interior and exterior detailing.

You are required to use meshes as well watch your tri count!

You will be working on First, flor finishing
Second floor layout and designing aside decorating.
Roof, with a pool and a few chairs but very detailed.
Secret rooms like Cafe’s , clubs, asylum
Finish balcony area and add a basement.

Payment, 50-150k depending on if I actually like the work.

Contact me through dev forums or discord Dreamlus#2015. I have around 100+ request so spam me when you add me on discord if not. Mainly contact me through dev forums.

This is the game your working on : Work in progress - Roblox


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