Objectives System: There are three objectives on the map with UI hovering over (overhead/billboard) the buildings as an indicator it’s there. The objectives are A/B/C (Alpha/Bravo/Charlie.) Team2 (Peoples Army of Vietnam) defends the objectives, Team1 (Americans) attack the objectives.
Each objective takes 120 seconds to capture. If both teams have an equal amount of people on an objective the timer is paused. If the defenders have more people on the objective then the timer counts backward. If the attackers have more people on the objective the timer starts counting forward. If the attackers have an objective at 120 seconds but the other team has a player on it, then the objective is not captured until the contester is killed.
Note: When an objective is captured the spawn is changed for both teams to a different part of the map. When all objectives are captured the game ends and shows “victory” or “defeat” UI based on the winning or losing team. Then the game resets and switches players’ teams.
Reinforcement System: When a player dies they can’t respawn unless at least 3 other teammates have died as well. When at least 3 have died it starts up a 15-second timer to respawn. There will be UI to explain this to them.
Each team has a limited amount of “tickets” or respawns in other words.
Peoples Army: 100 Tickets (Defenders)
Americans: 150 Tickets (Attackers)
Peoples Army respawn 3 people
Americans respawn 5 people
Peoples Army: 97 Tickets remaining
Americans: 145 Tickets remaining
Note: It should be easy for me to adjust the number of tickets a team has. It should also be easy for me to adjust respawn time and capture objective time. Games can not start without at least 8 players on each team.
My Discord: ryantactics#1103
Payment: Robux via t-shirt (will pay the tax) or USD
Send me examples of your work and a price offer. I will be looking at offers for most of the day.