(HIRING) Looking for a whole dev team (FPS GAME)

Job Recruitment Template

About Us

Hi there! We are JubHub Studio, a Starter Studio that is looking for a development team. We’re looking for builders and way more who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, It’s an FPS game

The Team
@kingslman305 - Leader And Payer
@username - Scripter
@username - UI
@username - Builder
@username - GFX/Thumbnail Maker
@username - Modelers

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder and more professionals to join our team also the FPS builders. We expect high quality builds to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; I check team progress sometimes and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another. I might close the whole game when no ones in

Our game needs a lot of new assets completed by anytime at least before summer ends. We expect each asset will take between 1-2 hours.


We are paying from our games earning when it’s out, we will pay through the groups

Contact Us

Contact us on discord: kingsloth#0570
You can join at any age

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Can you provide more information? I understand that:

What is the game about? Why type of building needs to be done? Styles? etc.

Discord cant find you can you type your name again :frowning:


this might work

1 Like

ok i will fix it soon for sure

Please make sure that you also can make a FPS game

Hello! I recommended @MrDerpSavage for this GFX position.

Hello :wave: I’m interested in the GFX position I sent a friend request on discord.

Your Discord Tag isn’t working so could you please contact me at Maverick#2473.

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